The MEMOS (Executive Masters in Sport Organisations Management) mission is to help professionals working in national or international sports bodies to develop the knowledge required in order to better manage their organizations. This program is offered in three versions according to the teaching language : English, French and Spanish.
MEMOS is an idea of the European Network of Sport Science Institutes, supported by President Samaranch in 1994 and founded by Prof. Jean Camy and colleagues from several European universities and schools of sport. Five European NOCs (France, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain) joined the project. The first edition started in September 1995.
“Le programme MEMOS est une formation unique qui permet aux participants d’acquérir des connaissances et aptitudes spécialisées dans le management des organisations sportives olympiques.”
Mathieu Winard, Directeur du programme MEMOS en français
“When you participate in the Olympic Solidarity-supported MEMOS program, you have a unique opportunity (1) to gain cutting-edge skills and knowledge from top international professors and (2) to build your global professional network to set yourself up for future success.”
Milena M. Parent, PhD, MEMOS in English Program Director

“El Master MEMOS te ofrece, en el contexto del Movimiento Olímpico y con la colaboración de Solidaridad Olímpica, una oportunidad única de ampliar tus conocimientos y tus experiencias profesionales en el ámbito de la gestión deportiva junto con otros participantes y profesores de todo el mundo.”
Andreu Camps, Director del programma MEMOS en español
By attending the MEMOS (Executive Masters in Sport Organisations Management), you will share an international experience and develop a network of high level sport managers. After your graduation, you will have access to the active MEMOS Alumni community that gathers in major sport events.
IOC Members
NOC Presidents and Secretary Generals
MEMOS has undoubtedly helped me in gaining knowledge towards a better management of every project I have lead since. It is a valuable, motivating and rewarding project that should prosper through the years. No doubt this was a turning point in my career. I am proud to be part of this huge family!
“Bobsleighing in Innsbruck, wearing Indian sari, “floating” in the Dead Sea was an extra bonus to this incredible cross-cultural adventure. We lived in reality what I was writing about: values of equality, fairness, respect, and excellence, emphasized by Pierre de Coubertin, which span nearly 3 000 years of Olympic history.”
“MEMOS helped me to turn ideas into reality by challenging me to finish the program with an executable project. The opportunity of interacting with passionate professionals from multiple fields and countries promoted knowledge sharing and collaboration among people I started to consider friends for life”
The Madella Award recognizes a project graded as high distinction, which includes:
- A strong purpose and research question to address a problem the host sport organization or system has
- Being properly theoretically grounded
- Appropriate data collection and analysis methods
- Drawing meaningful findings that contribute to addressing the research question
Congratulations to this years Madella Award Winners, Ms. Nicky Van Rossem of Belgium (MEMOS IX in French) and Ms. Maja Pekovic from Montenegro (MEMOS XXVI in English).
“The sports movement today is more complex than ever before and truly global. Such complexity and diversity requires that the next generation of sports managers be well-trained in the latest trends and as global in their outlook as the world of sport itself. This is where MEMOS gives them the right tools to take action and to make a difference. The practical, hands-on training gained during MEMOS ensures that the theory of the classroom is grounded in practice.”
Thomas Bach, IOC President

“Strengthening the structures of NOCs and their members remains one of Olympic Solidarity priorities. MEMOS has been an important partner in our quest to reach this goal.”
James Macleod, Director of Olympic Solidarity
Between scholars from the following universities, schools of sport, sport organizations, and MEMOS graduates