Candidature MEMOS in English

Next edition 2025 – MEMOS XXVIII

English MEMOS is organized every year.

The next MEMOS in English call for applications will open in the spring of 2025.

Candidatura MEMOS en Español

Próxima edición 2026 – MEMOS XI

MEMOS español se organiza cada 2 años.

La próxima convocatoria de MEMOS en español se abrirá en la primavera de 2026.

MEMOS en Français

Prochaine édition 2025 – MEMOS XI

La version française de MEMOS a lieu tous les deux ans.

Les candidatures sont actuellement closes.


All documents are due at the time of application.

The following documents will be required, please prepare them before entering the candidature form.

We are looking forward to receiving your application and wish all the candidates in the MEMOS programme every success!

  • Curriculum Vitae (pdf format)

  • Copy of passport (pdf format)

  • Passport photograph (jpg format)

  • Recommendation of your candidature from your sport organisation or National Olympic Committee (pdf format)

  • Information about your MEMOS project

In the process of candidature and curious about previous projects? Look up “MEMOS” in the Olympic Library or see some of our Madella Winner’s projects here.