The first edition of MEMOS held in Rome

MEMOS Convention III: The Update You’ve Been Waiting For

MEMOSIANS all around the world have been waiting for the final decision on where the next MEMOS Convention will be. After careful consideration from three different countries and organizers, a final decision was made.

For the Third MEMOS Convention in 2025, we will be meeting in a city that hosted the very first MEMOS sessions (as pictured above). We will be celebrating 30 years of MEMOS in the great city of Rome in Italy!

MEMOSIAN Dott. Marco Mazzi – CEO Tre emme Sport

From MEMOSIAN Dott. Marco Mazzi – CEO Tre emme Sport – Vice Pres. ISTAA – International Relation A.M. ESF ” European Surfing Federation: “Rome is pleased to host the 30th Anniversary convention of MEMOS in Rome with the support of CONI and the EOC. Thirty years ago, it started in Italy at the Acqua Acetosa Olympic Center in Rome, and we’ll see each other again in Rome after 30 years. A City of sport since the times of the Ancient Roman empire. Rome is ready and happy to welcome all the MEMOSIANS from the World. Sharing experiences, expertise, memories, and unique fun experiences; this is what we need. We are sure that this convention will be another demonstration of the importance of MEMOS!”

MEMOSIANS, stay tuned for updates as the planning begins!