Coffee Break February 16th: History of the Mediterranean Games and Looking to the Future with Amar Addadi of MEMOS V

As a MEMOSIAN and a former President of the Mediterranean Games and MEMOSIAN Amar Addadi has a unique position to be interviewed on the history of the Mediterranean Games and what the future looks like by hosts Marco Mazzi and Filippo Bazzanella for the February Coffee Break.

From Amar: The Mediterranean Games are considered “Regional Games”. Today, they gather 26 countries together to compete (it started with just 10 countries). The 1st Games were created in 1951. The zone of the Mediterranean is often in turmoil. It’s a sensitive region. It’s a miracle to have 70 years of no boycotting and peace in these Games.

MEMOSIANS heard a bit more about the Games during the Coffee Break including:

  • Gender equity in the beginning to now: a hint, women did not compete until the 1960s!
  • Athlete and event numbers from the beginning to now.
  • Concerns going forward in this evolving sport environment.

The MEMOS Coffee Break is an independent project by MEMOSIANS Marco Mazzi and Filippo Bazzanella. If you are a graduate and you’ve been missing the emails with the Zoom links in them, please send us an email at so you can join the discussions.