Convention Executive Masters in Sport Organisations Management Program Contact

Calling All MEMOS Writers: Join Us in Sharing Your Successes and Lessons!

We deeply appreciate the dedication and perseverance demonstrated by sports professionals like you. We understand the hard work you put in day in and day out. Now, we invite you to contribute to the MEMOS Community by becoming a guest writer for our Newsletter.

If you are a MEMOSIAN, we encourage you to share your valuable experiences, achievements, and insights with our vibrant community. Simply send us a brief email, mentioning your MEMOS class affiliation, and let us know what you would like to contribute. We eagerly await your submissions!

Once we receive your email at, our team will promptly get in touch with you. We are here to support you throughout the process, ensuring your voice is heard and your message reaches the wider MEMOS network.

Join us in becoming a part of this enriching exchange of knowledge and expertise. Together, let’s inspire and empower the MEMOS Community with your remarkable stories and lessons.

We look forward to hearing from you!