Deadly Little Dolphins, a MEMOS Project in Motion
Ana Croger from the current class, MEMOS XXV, already has her MEMOS project in motion. Her project is titled “Project Yul’lu: Butchulla country lies in the Great Sandy region on the south-east coast of Queensland, Australia. The Butchulla people’s totem is Yul’lu (dolphin).”
From her project: “The purpose of this research project is to understand the barriers and facilitators to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in swimming in order to provide recommendations to Swimming Australia to increase participation and provide talent pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander athletes.” And here is how Swim Australia has already put the results in motion:
In Australia, Swim Australia is launching its learn to swim program: Deadly Little Dolphins. This program is an effort to improve swim safety now and ultimately, provide the pathway needed for an Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islands swimmer medaling at the Olympic or Paralympic Games in Brisbane 2032.
The pilot program is being co-developed with the Thursday Island community, their local schools, and key community members. Danny Morseu, Olympian, Deputy Chairperson of the AOC Indigenous Committee, and Thursday Island resident, says “Swimming Australia’s Deadly Little Dolphins program is a wonderful initiative and we on Thursday Island are excited by the programs potential.”
“Our community is water loving and a structured sustainable in-school learn to swim program for our children, along with opportunities to develop swimming stroke competency amongst our local children and youth is exciting and is very welcome”.
“We would love a Thursday Island community member to be on the Australian Olympic/Paralympic Team in Brisbane 32”. Swimming Australia CEO Eugenie Buckley explained the co-designed Deadly Little Dolphins’ Learn to Swim programs aim to improve the swimming and water safety skills for all First Nations communities. “First Nations people are disproportionately represented in drowning statistics, and that is not good enough,” Buckley said. “Swimming Australia is committed to help reduce drownings in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and to reduce mortality rates from drownings for First Nations children.”
“Crucial to the success of Deadly Little Dolphins is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are identifying the best possible model of delivery for their individual communities. First Nations People have a close cultural connection to country, including waterways and it’s vital this is taken into consideration, including recognising that a pool may not always be the best location to deliver the program,” Buckley said.
Read more: here
Congratulations Ana Croger and Swim Australia on this strong start. We look forward to updates in the future!
The photo credit: Patrick Hamilton Photography.