MEMOSIAN Update from Vanuatu

Dear Colleagues,

In 2020, I applied for the position of Director of the Department of Youth Development and Sports within the Ministry of Youth Development and Sports in the Vanuatu Government.
Thanks to MEMOS Masters Degree, I have now held that position since May 2020.
Working from his MEMOS Project called “The Vanuatu Game Plan”, Mr. Tavoa will focus on the country’s national definition of Sport and its holistic contribution to the physical fitness, mental well-being, social interaction, leadership capacity and economic empowerment of our Youth, at levels of Play, Recreation, Organization, Competition, Professional and Culture.
His MEMOS Project is already a reference document for Vanuatu’s current National Sports Policy.

A target outcome of the 2023 Government Policy Priorities is “The Establishment of a National Sports System”

MEMOSIAN, Henry Tavoa, currently the Director of the Department of Youth Development and Sport, has been mandated to work a white paper for this.

It is a five-year proposal and he envisions that by the end of this term, Vanuatu will have in place :

  • A Professional Sport Structure
  • A National Sport Institute.
His MEMOS Project is already a reference document for Vanuatu’s current National Sports Policy.
More changes in keeping with recommendations from The Vanuatu Game Plan are being done.
Long Live MEMOS!!
Best regards,
(MEMOS XV, 2011-2012)
Congratulations Mr. Henry Tova! If you want to see his MEMOS project, check it out here: link
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